What are the three main classes of lipids?
They are the neutral lipids (have no charge at cellular pH), phospholipids, and steroids.
What can dissolve lipids?
As a general rule, any nonpolar substance can dissolve water. This is because lipids are usually not charged and are considered nonpolar. Only nonpolar can dissolve nonpolar. Thus polar substances like water cannot dissolve lipids.
What are the main sources of proteins?
The best and most healthy way to obtain proteins are from legumes, nuts, and beans.
How can the protein conformation be studied?
Protein structure can be studied in a variety of ways that include X-ray diffraction, and mass spectrophotometry.
Besides DNA and RNA, what are some other different types of nucleotides?
ATP, cAMP, and NADH are all examples of important nucleotides. ATP is very important since it is the primary energy currency of all cells. cAMP regulates some functions and controls some hormones. NADH functions in oxidation and reduction reactions.
How many base pairs are there in a typical human cell?
In a typical human haploid cell, there are 3 x 10E9 base pairs.